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“Science, like art, religion, commerce, warfare, and even sleep, is based on presuppositions"

- Gregory Bateson -

The documents distributed here have been provided as a means to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work on a noncommercial basis. Copyright and all rights therein are maintained by the authors or by other copyright holders, notwithstanding that they have offered their works here electronically. It is understood that all persons copying this information will adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by these copyrights. These works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder.

  1. Berger, R., Tarrasch, R., & Lieblich, M. (2024) Addressing ethical concerns in implementing mindfulness-based interventions in educational setting. Mindfulness.

  2. Hanalis-Miller, T., Ricon-Becker, I., Sakis, N., Trachtenberg, E., Ohayon, F., Wadhawker, S., Birnboim, Y., Magen, A., Sharon, E., Tarrasch, R., Goldzweig, G., Cole, S. W., Jacoby, R., & Ben-Eliyahu, S. (2024) Peri-operative individually tailored psychological intervention in breast cancer patients improves psychological indices and molecular biomarkers of metastasis in excised tumors. Brain Behavior and Immunity, 117: 529-540.

  3. Russo-Netzer, P. & Tarrasch, R. (2024) The path to life satisfaction in adolescence: life orientations, prioritizing, and meaning in life. Current Psychology.

  4. Godeano-Barr, S., Reifen-Tagar, M., Tarrasch, R., & Levit-Binnun, N. (2023) The impact of teachers’ contemplative training on classroom discussions of controversial issues – A randomized active-control trial. Mindfulness.

  5. Russo-Netzer, P., Tarrasch, R. & Niemiec, R. (2023). Developmental, genderial and cross-cultural aspects of meaning. Journal of Happiness Studies.

  6. Russo-Netzer, P., Tarrasch, R. & Niemiec, R. (2023). A meaningful synergy: The integration of character strengths and the three types of meaning in life. Social Sciences, 12, 494.

  7. Tarrasch, R., & Berger, R. (2022). Comparing indirect and combined effects of mindfulness and compassion practice among schoolchildren on inter‑ and intra‑personal abilities. Mindfulness, 13, 2282–2298.

  8. Ovadia-Blechmana, Z., Tarrasch, R., Velicki, M., & Chalutz Ben-Gal, H. (2022). Reducing test anxiety by device-guided breathing. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 678098.

  9. Herzog, N. D., Steinfath, T. P. & Tarrasch, R. (2021) Critical dynamics in spontaneous resting state oscillations are associated with the attention-related P300 ERP in a go/nogo task. Frontiers in Neuroscience 15, Article 632922.

  10. Fuhrman, O., Ackerling, A., Friedmann, N., Tarrasch, R., Raz, G. (2020) The moving learner: Object manipulation in a virtual reality setting improves object name learning. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning 2020: 1-12.

  11. Gonda, S., Tarrasch, R. & Ben Shalom, D. (2020) The functional significance of the P600: Some linguistic P600's do localize to language areas. Medicine 99(46): p e23116. doi: 10.1097/MD.0000000000023116

  12. Ben Bashat, D., Link-Sournai, D., Many, A., Ben Sira, L., Tarrasch, R., Bak, S., Gordon, Z., Yagel, S. & Harel, S. (2020) Placental vascular tree characterization based on ex-vivo MRI with a potential application to placental insufficiency assessment. Placenta 96: 34-43.

  13. Gabriely, R., Tarrasch, R.,  Velicki, M., Ovadia-Blechman, Z. (2020) and/or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Research in Developmental Disabilities 100:103630.

  14. Tarrasch, R., Berger, R. & Grossman, D. (2020) Mindfulness and compassion as key factors in improving teacher's well being. Mindfulness 11(4): 1049-1061. doi: 10.1007/s12671-020-01304-x

  15. Berman, Z., Assaf, Y., Tarrasch, R., Joel, D. (2020) Macro- and microstructural gray matter alterations in sexually assaulted women. Journal of Affective Disorders 262: 196-204. doi: 10.1016/j.jad.2019.10.024

  16. Shany, O., Singer, N., Gold, B. P., Jacoby, N., Tarrasch, R., Hendler, T. & Granot, R. Y. (2019) Surprise-related activation in the nucleus accumbens interacts with music-induced pleasantness, Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience 459-470. doi: 10.1093/scan/nsz019. PDF.

  17. Domany, Y.,  Bleich-Cohen, Tarrasch, R., Mei-Dan, R., Litvak-Lazar, O., Stoppleman, N.,Schreiber, S., Bloch, M.,Hendler, T., Sharon, H. (2019) Repeated oral ketamine for out-patient treatment of resistant depression: Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, proof-of-concept trial. The British Journal of Psychiatry 214:20-26. doi: 10.1192/bjp.2018.196. PDF.

  18. Tarrasch, R. (2019) Mindfulness for Education Students: Addressing the Emotional Gap in their Professional Training. Educational Studies. doi: 10.1080/03055698.2018.1446337. PDF.

  19. Berman, Z., Assaf, Y., Tarrasch, R., Joel, D. (2018) Assault-related self-blame and its association with PTSD in sexually assaulted women: An MRI inquiry. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience 13(7): 775-784. doi: 10.1093/scan/nsy044

  20. Berger, R., Brenick, A. & Tarrasch, R. (2018) Using a mindfulness and compassion-based program to reduce stereotyping and prejudicial attitudes in Israeli-Jewish elementary school children: A Call to Care – Israel. Mindfulness. doi: 10.1007/s12671-018-0919-y. PDF.

  21. Tarrasch, R. (2018)The effects of mindfulness practice on attentional functions among primary school children. Journal of Child and Family Studies 27(8): 2632-2642. doi: 10.1007/s10826-018-1073-9. PDF.

  22. Zaidman-Zait, A., Most, T., Tarrasch, R. & Haddad, E. (2018) Mothers' and fathers' involvement in early intervention for deaf and hard of hearing children. Disability and Rehabilitation 40: 1301-1309. doi: 10.1080/09638288.2017.1297491. PDF .

  23. Link, D, Braginsky, M. B., Joskowicz, L., Ben Sira, L., Harel, S., Many, A., Tarrasch, R., Malinger, G., Artzi, M., Kapoor, C., Miller, E. & Ben Bashat, D. (2018) Automatic measurement of fetal brain development from MRI: New reference data. Fetal Diagnosis and Therapy.

  24. Domany, Y., Levy, A., Cassan, S. M., Tarrasch, R., Lifshitz, T., Schreiber, S. & Shamir, E. Y. (2017) Clinical Utility of Biomarkers of the Hand in the Diagnosis of Schizophrenia. Psychiatry Research 260:105-110. doi: 10.1016/j.psychres.2017.11.049. PDF.

  25. Tarrasch, R. (2017) Mindful schooling: Better attention regulation among elementary school children who practice mindfulness as part of their school policy. Journal of Cognitive Enhancement. doi: 10.1007/s41465-017-0024-5. PDF.

  26. Tarrasch, R., Margalit-Shalom, L., & Berger, R. (2017) Enhancing visual perception and motor accuracy among elementary school children through a mindfulness/compassion based program. Frontiers in Psychology. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.00281. PDF.

  27. Tarrasch, R., Carmel–Neiderman, N., Ben-Ami, S., Kaufman, B., Pfeffer, R., Ben-David, M. & Gamus, D. (2017) The effect of reflexology on the pain-insomnia-fatigue disturbance cluster of breast cancer patients during adjuvant radiation therapy. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. doi: 10.1089/acm.2017.0023. PDF.

  28. Alkoby, A., Halperin, E., Tarrasch, R. & Levit-Binnun, N. (2017) Increased Support for Political Compromise in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Following an Eight-Week Mindfulness Workshop. Mindfulness. doi: 10.1007/s12671-017-0710-5. PDF.

  29. Oren, N., Ash, E., Tarrasch, R., Hendler, T., Giladi, N., Shapira-Lichter, I., (2017) Neural patterns underlying the effect of negative distractors on working memory in older adults. Neurobiology of Aging 53: 93-102. doi: 10.1016/j.neurobiolaging.2017.01.020.

  30. Oren, N., Shapira-Lichter, I, Lerner, Y., Tarrasch, R., Hendler, T., Giladi, N. & Ash, E. L. (2017) Schema benefit vs. proactive interference: contradicting behavioral outcomes and coexisting neural patterns. NeuroImage 158:271-281 doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2017.07.006.

  31. Zaidman-Zait, A., Most, T., Tarrasch, R. & Haddad, E. (2017) Mothers' and fathers' involvement in early intervention for deaf and hard of hearing children. Disability and Rehabilitation. doi: 10.1080/09638288.2017.1297491. PDF.

  32. Tarrasch, R., Berman, Z., Friedmann, N. (2016) Mindful Reading: Mindfulness meditationhelps keep readers with dyslexia or ADHD on the lexical track. Frontiers in Psychology 7:578. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2016.00578. PDF

  33. Oren, N., Shapira-Lichter, I., Lerner, Y., Tarrasch, R., Hendler, T., Giladi, N. & Ash, E. (2016) How Attention Modulates Encoding of Dynamic Stimuli. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2016.00507. PDF

  34. Sauer, C., Sheppes, G., Lackner, H. K., Arens, E., Tarrasch, R. & Barnow, S. (2016) Emotion regulation choice in female patients with borderline personality disorder: findings from self-reports and experimental measures. Psychiatry Research. doi: 10.1016/j.psychres.2016.04.113. PDF

  35. Sharon, H., Maron-Katz, ,A., Ben Simon, E., Flusser, Y., Hendler, T., Tarrasch, R. & Brill, S. (2016) Mindfulness Meditation Modulates Pain through Endogenous Opiods. The American Journal of Medicine. doi: 10.1016/j.amjmed.2016.03.002. PDF

  36. Artzi, M., Shiran, S., Weinstein, M., Myers, V., Tarrasch, R., Schertz. M., Fattal-Valevski, A., Miller, E., Gordon, A., Greeen, D. & Ben Bashat, D. (2016) Cortical Reorganization Following Injury Early in Life. Neural Plasticity. doi: 10.1155/2016/8615872. PDF

  37. Vaisvaser, S., Modai, S., Farberov, L., Lin, T., Sharon, H., Gilam, A., Volkv, N., Admon, R., Edry, L., Fruchter, E., Wald, I., Bar-Haim, Y., Tarrasch, R., Cohen, A., Shomron, N. & Hendler, T. (2016) Neuro-epigenetic indications of acute stress response in humans: the case of microRNA-29c. PLOS ONE. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0146236. PDF

  38. Zaidman-Zait, A., Most, T., Tarrasch, R., Haddad-eid, E., Brand, D. (2015) The Impact of childhood hearing loss on the family: Mothers and fathers stress and coping resources. Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education. doi: 10.1093/deafed/env038. PDF

  39. Marom, A. & Tarrasch, R. (2015) On Behalf of Tradition. Clinical Anatomy 28(8):980-984. doi: 10.1002/ca.22621. PDF

  40. Levy, A., Shamir, E. Z. Cassan, S. M.,Lifshitz, D., Shefler, G. & Tarrasch, R. (2015) Do biometric parameters of the hand differentiate schizophrenia from other psychiatric disorders? A comparative evaluation using three mental health modules. Psychiatry Research 228(3): 425-430. doi:10.1016/j.psychres.2015.06.020. PDF

  41. Tarrasch, R. (2015) Mindfulness Meditation Training for Graduate Students in Educational Counseling and Special Education A Qualitative Analysis. Journal of Child and Family Studies 24(5):1322-1333. PDF 

  42. Landau, C.,  Lev-Ari, S., Cohen-Mansfield, J., Tillinger, E., Geva, R, Tarrasch, R., Mitnik, I & Friedman, E. (2014) Randomized Controlled Trial of "The Work" Meditation-Based Intervention for BRCA1/2 Mutation Carriers. Psycho-Oncology 24: 726-731. doi: 10.1002/pon.3703. PDF

  43. Levit Binnun, N. & Tarrasch, R. (2014) Relation between contemplative exercises and an enriched psychology students’ experience in a neuroscience course. Frontiers in Psychology 5: article 1296. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2014.01296. PDF

  44. Joel, D., Tarrasch, R., Berman, Z., Mukamel, M. & Ziv, E. (2014) Queering gender: studying gender identity in the normative population.  Psychology and Sexuality 5(4): 291-321. doi: 10.1080/19419899.2013.830640. PDF

  45. Vaisvaser, Sh., Lin, T., Admon, R., Podlipsky, I., Greenman, Y., Stern, N., Fruchter, E., Wald, I., Pine, D., Tarrasch, R., Bar-Haim, Y. & Hendler, T. (2013) Neural traces of stress: cortisol related sustained enhancement of amygdala-hippocampal functional connectivity. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7(313): 1-11. PDF

  46. Shamir, E. Z., Cassan, S, M., Levy, A., Lifshitz, T. & Tarrasch, R. (2013)  Biometric Parameters of the Hand as an Index of Schizophrenia-A Preliminary Study. Psychiatry Research 210 (3):716-720. PDF

  47. Slone, M., Meir, Y. & Tarrasch, R. (2013) Individual differences in referral for help for severe emotional difficulties in adolescence. Children and Youth Services Review 35:1854-1861. PDF

  48. Sasson, E, Doniger, G. M., Pasternak, O, Tarrasch, R. & Assaf, Y. (2013) White matter correlates of cognitive domains in normal aging with diffusion tensor imaging. Frontiers in Neuroscience 7: 1-13. PDF

  49. Zadik, Y., Levin, L., Bechor, R., Shmuly, T., Sandler, V. & Tarrasch, R. (2012) Recurrent Aphthous Stomatitis: Stress, Trait Anger and Anxiety of Patients. Journal of the California Dental Association 40(11): 879-883. 

  50. Sasson, E, Doniger G. M., Pasternak, O., Tarrasch, R. & Assaf, Y. (2012) Structural correlates of cognitive domains in normal aging with diffusion tensor imaging. Brain Structure and Function, 217(2), 503-515. PDF

  51. Ben Bashat, D., Artzi, M., Tarrasch, R., Nefussy, B., Zachor, T., Drory & V. E., Aizenstein, O. (2011). A potential tool for the diagnosis of ALS based on diffusion tensor imaging. Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis 12(6):398-405. PDF

  52. Weinstein, M., Ben-Sira, L., Levy, Y., Zachor, D. A., Ben Itzhak, E., Artzi, M., Tarrasch, R., Eksteine, P. M., Hendler, T. & Ben Bashat, D. (2011). Abnormal white matter integrity in young children with autism. Human Brain Mapping, 32(4), 534-543. PDF

  53. Tarrasch, R., Lurie, O., Yanovich, R., & Moran, D. (2011). Psychological aspects of the integration of women in combat roles. Personality and Individual Differences, 50, 305-309. PDF

  54. Schwarz, Y., Greif, J., Lurie, O., Tarrasch, R., & Weinbroum, A. A. (2007). Dextromethorphan premedication reduces midazolam requirement: objective and subjective parameters in peribronchoscopy. Respiration, 74(3), 314-319. PDF

  55. Lurie, O., Zadik, Y., Einy, S., Tarrasch, R., Raviv, G., & Goldstein, L. (2007). Bruxism in military pilots and non-pilots: tooth wear and psychological stress. Aviation Space and Environmental Medicince, 78(2), 137-139. PDF

  56. Ben Bashat, D., Kronfeld-Duenias, V., Zachor, D. A., Ekstein, P. M., Hendler, T., Tarrasch, R., Even, A.,  Levy , Y. & Ben Sira, L. (2007). Accelerated maturation of white matter in young children with autism: a high b value DWI study. Neuroimage, 37(1), 40-47. PDF

  57. Stein, D., Luria, O., Tarrasch, R., Goldstein, L., Raviv, G., Weizman, A., & Schwarz, Y. (2006). Factors associated with self-evaluated severity of illness and quality of life in male Israeli asthmatic soldiers. Quality of Life Research, 15(5), 915-924. PDF

  58. Zisapel, N., Tarrasch, R., & Laudon, M. (2005). The relationship between melatonin and cortisol rhythms: clinical implications of melatonin therapy. Drug Development Research, 65(3), 119-125. PDF

  59. Tarrasch, R., Goelman, G., Joel, D., & Weiner, I. (2005). Long-term functional consequences of quinolinic acid striatal lesions and their alteration following an addition of a globus pallidus lesion assessed using pharmacological magnetic resonance imaging. Experimental Neurology, 196(2), 244-253. PDF

  60. Tarrasch, R., Laudon, M., & Zisapel, N. (2003). Cross-cultural validation of the Leeds sleep evaluation questionnaire (LSEQ) in insomnia patients. Human Psychopharmacology, 18(8), 603-610. PDF

  61. Joel, D., Ayalon, L., Tarrasch, R., & Weiner, I. (2003). Deficits induced by quinolinic acid lesion to the striatum in a position discrimination and reversal task are ameliorated by permanent and temporary lesion to the globus pallidus: a potential novel treatment in a rat model of Huntington's disease. Movement Disorders, 18(12), 1499-1507. PDF

  62. Shamir, E., Barak, Y., Shalman, I., Laudon, M., Zisapel, N., Tarrasch, R., Elizur, A. & Weizman, R. (2001). Melatonin treatment for tardive dyskinesia: a double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover study. Archives of General Psychiatry, 58(11), 1049-1052. PDF

  63. Slone, M., Tarrasch, R., & Hallis, D. (2000). Ethnic stereotypes attitudes among Israeli children: two intervention programs. Merrill-Palmer Quarterly, 46, 370-389. PDF

  64. Stein, D, Luria, O., Tarrasch, R., Yoeli, N, Glick, D., Elizur, A., Weizman, A. (1999) Partial eating disorders in newly drafted female recruits in Israel. Archives of Women's Mental Health, 2: 107-115. PDF

  65. Weiner, I., Feldon, J., Tarrasch, R., Hairston, I., & Joel, D. (1998). Fimbria-fornix cut affects spontaneous activity, two-way avoidance and delayed non matching to sample, but not latent inhibition. Behavioral Brain Research, 96(1-2), 59-70. PDF

  66. Joel, D., Ayalon, L., Tarrasch, R., Veenman, L., Feldon, J., & Weiner, I. (1998). Electrolytic lesion of globus pallidus ameliorates the behavioral and neurodegenerative effects of quinolinic acid lesion of the striatum: a potential novel treatment in a rat model of Huntington's disease. Brain Research, 787(1), 143-148. PDF

  67. Zizapel, N., Tarrasch, R., & Laudon, M. (1997). Effect of fast- and controlled-release melatonin formulations on daytime sleep and mood. Pineal Update, 26, 355-360. PDF

  68. Weiner, I., Tarrasch, R., Bernasconi, E., Broersen, L. M., Ruttimann, T. C., & Feldon, J. (1997). Amphetamine-induced disruption of latent inhibition is not reinforcer-mediated. Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior, 56(4), 817-826. PDF

  69. Terlo, L., Laudon, M., Tarrasch, R., Schatz, T., Caine, Y. G., & Zisapel, N. (1997). Effects of low doses of melatonin on late afternoon napping and mood. Biological Rhythm Research, 28, 2-15. PDF

  70. Rabinowitz, J., Cohen, H., Tarrasch, R., & Kotler, M. (1997). Compliance to naltrexone treatment after ultra-rapid opiate detoxification: an open label naturalistic study. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 47(2), 77-86. PDF

  71. Joel, D., Tarrasch, R., Feldon, J., & Weiner, I. (1997). Effects of electrolytic lesions of the medial prefrontal cortex or its subfields on 4-arm baited, 8-arm radial maze, two-way active avoidance and conditioned fear tasks in the rat. Brain Research, 765(1), 37-50. PDF

  72. Weiner, I., Shadach, E., Tarrasch, R., Kidron, R., & Feldon, J. (1996). The latent inhibition model of schizophrenia: further validation using the atypical neuroleptic, clozapine. Biological Psychiatry, 40(9), 834-843. PDF

  73. Weiner, I., Tarrasch, R., & Feldon, J. (1995). Basolateral amygdala lesions do not disrupt latent inhibition. Behavioral Brain Research, 72(1-2), 73-81. PDF

  74. Gray, J. A., Joseph, M. H., Hemsley, D. R., Young, A. M. J., Warburton, E. A., Boulenguez, P., Grigoryan, G. A., Peters, S. L., Rawlins, J. N. P., Taib, C. T., Yee, B. K., Cassaday, H., Weiner, I., Gal, G., Gusak, O., Joel, D., Shadach, E., Shalev, U., Tarrasch, R., & Feldon, J. (1995). The role of mesolimbic domapinergic and retrohippocampal afferents to the nucleus accumbens in latent inhibition: implications for schizophrenia. Behavioral Brain Research, 71, 19-31. PDF

  75. Weiner, I., Tarrasch, R., Hasson, O., Forian, R., Smith, A. D., Rawlins, J. N. & Feldon, J. (1994). The effects of chronic administration of ceronapril on the partial reinforcement extinction effect and latent inhibition in rats. Behavioral Pharmacology, 5(3), 306-314. PDF

  76. Weiner, I., Kidron, R., Tarrasch, R., Arnt, J., & Feldon, J. (1994). The effects of the new antipsychotic, sertindole, on latent inhibition in rats. Behavioral Pharmacology, 5(2), 119-124. PDF

  77. Kofman, O., Tarrasch, R., Mintz, M., & Myslobodsky, M. S. (1992). Epileptogenic activity in the amygdala is not affected by the amidine steroid, R 5135. Brain Research Bulletin, 29(3-4), 511-514. PDF

  78. Myslobodsky, M. S., Mintz, M., Tarrasch, R., & Bar-Ziv, J. (1991). A steroid derivative (RU 5135) exhibits epileptogenicity in the presence of deficient blood-brain barrier. Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior, 38(2), 327-331. PDF

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